Ahorita Spanish School

Every year on April 23rd, the world comes together to celebrate UN Spanish Language Day and World Book Day, a dual commemoration that honors the rich linguistic heritage and literary traditions represented by the Spanish language. This day holds significant importance as it marks the anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the esteemed Spanish writer widely regarded as one of the greatest literary figures of all time. Cervantes, renowned for his masterpiece Don Quixote, is considered the pioneer of modern Spanish literature and his work continues to inspire generations of writers and readers worldwide.

       The choice of April 23rd for UN Spanish Language Day and World Book Day is not arbitrary. In addition to being the date of Cervantes’ death in 1616, it also coincides with the death anniversary of another literary giant, William Shakespeare. This convergence symbolizes the global reach and influence of both the Spanish and English languages, uniting people across continents through the power of literature and expression.

In Spain, April 23rd is also celebrated as Saint Jordi, a day steeped in tradition where people exchange books and roses to commemorate the patron saint of Catalonia. It is a joyous occasion marked by lively street festivities, book fairs, and cultural events throughout the country. Known as “La Diada de Sant Jordi,” this celebration showcases the enduring love for literature and the arts in Spanish-speaking communities.

      Similarly, in Mexico, April 23rd is recognized as the Fiesta del Libro y la Rosa (Book and Rose Festival), an annual event that promotes literacy and book culture across Mexico. This vibrant fair features book exhibitions, author signings, readings, and performances, offering a platform for writers and publishers to connect with readers and celebrate the written word.


UN Spanish Language Day and World Book Day celebrate the immense cultural and linguistic diversity embodied by Spanish, a language spoken by approximately 600 million people worldwide. As one of the most widely spoken languages globally, Spanish serves as a vital means of communication, connecting individuals across borders and fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities.

Here are some fascinating facts about the Spanish language:

1. Global Reach: Spanish is the second most spoken native language in the world, with over 580 million native speakers. It is an official language in 21 countries, spanning Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

2. Social Network Presence: Spanish ranks as the second most used language on social networks, reflecting its growing influence in the digital sphere. With millions of users engaging in Spanish-language content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the language continues to shape online discourse and interaction.

3. Internet Usage: Spanish is also the third most used language on the internet, underscoring its significance in the digital landscape. As internet access expands globally, Spanish-language content plays a pivotal role in ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for diverse online audiences.

4. Cultural Contributions: Spanish-speaking countries boast a rich cultural heritage encompassing literature, art, music, cuisine, and more. From the magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez to the vibrant rhythms of salsa and flamenco, Spanish culture captivates and inspires people around the world.

UN Spanish Language Day and World Book Day serve as reminders of the importance of linguistic diversity and literary culture in our interconnected world. By honoring the Spanish language and its profound impact on global culture and communication, we reaffirm our commitment to celebrating and preserving the rich tapestry of languages and traditions that enrich our shared humanity. As we commemorate this special day, let us embrace the beauty and diversity of languages and strive to build bridges of understanding and solidarity across linguistic boundaries.

What Spanish book are you going to read this year to celebrate Spanish Language Day and World Book Day? At Ahorita Spanish School, we invite you to read a classic of Latin American literature: for example, a work by one of the famous authors of the Latin American Boom or a book written by Latin American women (for example, these). Or, for a quicker option, we recommend you to check out the adaptations that Netflix is making of two Latin American classics: the film adaptation of Temporada de huracanes (Hurricane Season), one of the most outstanding works of contemporary Mexican literature (check the trailer), or the adaptation (soon to be released) of Cien años de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude), the masterpiece of the Latin American novel (teaser here). Share your opinions and ideas with us in the comments.

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