Ahorita Spanish School

Spanish Level Test

Welcome to your free Spanish level test by Ahorita Spanish School.

This test was created by our professionals with the purpose of providing you with a tool to help you measure your knowledge of the Spanish language. It consists of approximately 40 questions which cover levels A1-B1 of the CEFR.

For an optimal performance of the exam we recommend the following:

1. Relax and answer the exam honestly.
2. Select the answer you consider correct.
3. Answer as many of the questions as you can with your knowledge of the language.
4. To be considered as having sufficient knowledge of a level, you need to have at least eight correct answers per level.

Once you have completed the exam, we invite you to review our Study Plans so that you can choose the one that best suits your objectives and needs. We help you to have a structured and efficient learning.

¡Buena suerte!

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Solo Plan

Designed for people who prefer to study individually or who want to learn at their own pace.

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Duo Plan

Designed for those who want to learn with a friend, partner or significant other.

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Team Plan

Designed for those who want to learn collaboratively, share experiences and meet new people.

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